viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2021

Unreal engine 4 : Global enums from C++

First of all , I will restart this blog... is been a while since the last post and too 

much water have gone under the bridge... pff 2016... 

So, lets get Busy...


I stumble yesterday with the problem of an enum created on a C++ class that werent unreachable

from the animation blueprint`s node Blend by enum.

Looking into the Engine`s source code I found out that the enums like EBlendMode were declare 

in a solitarie header file call Enginetypes.h .

So, the solution was there, instead of create the enum inside a class, like in this particular matter,

inside MyAnimInstance.h, I declare it on a single .h file no type needed, 

just an empty header file which I named it : enums.h , but you can call whatever.



Compile and voilá... 

Hope this help more than me!